Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Flipgrid "I Can" Statements for Teacher Training

I'm trying something different (different for me, anyway) this week for back to school training: "I Can" statements.

"I Can" statements are common in the classroom to help students track their own progress toward an objective, but I think they're pretty useful for teachers, too. For my Flipgrid training, these statements are a one-pager with the most common tasks teachers need to know how to do when using Flipgrid.

My plan is to have teachers respond to a topic on a grid first so they get the student experience, then give them some unstructured time to explore Flipgrid by going through the "I Can" statements. By the end, they'll have created their first grid/topic and be ready to use it with students when the year starts.

Since everyone works at a different pace, I'm always a fan of giving my less tech-savvy teachers control over their pace so they don't feel rushed, while not holding back my gung-ho early adopters.

You can get your own editable copy of the "I Can" statements here if you want to try them out. Please leave some feedback on how they worked for you and your teachers so I can improve them. Thanks!

(Update: I also created Quizizz "I Can" statements that you can get here.)


  1. This is fabulous, thank you. P.S. I am going to their launch celebration on Thursday in MPLS! So excited!

    1. Awesome! I'm interested to see what the new Flipgrid will look like...

  2. Thanks so much for sharing!
